Theorem 2.43
Note: I originally submitted this proof on StackOverflow. Reposting here to test out LATEX.
Let P be a nonempty perfect set in Rk. Then P is uncountable.
Proof: Since P is non-empty, and every point of P is a limit point, P contains at least one limit point. Hence, P is infinite (by 2.20).
Suppose P is countable and denote the points of P by x1,x2,x3,…
We can construct a sequence {Vn} of neighborhoods as follows:
Let V1 be any neighborhood of x1. Then V1∩P is non-empty, because x1 is a limit point of P.
If V1 consists of all y∈Rk such that ∣y−x1∣<r, the closure V1 of V1 is {y∣∣y−x1∣≤r} (note: I will not prove this rigorously, but see Lemma 1 below for a sketch of the proof).
Suppose Vn has been constructed so that Vn∩P is not empty and Vn=Nr(p) for some p∈P. Since every point of P is a limit point of P, there is a neighborhood Vn+1 such that
(i) Vn+1⊂Vn,
(ii) xn∈Vn+1,
(iii) Vn+1∩P is not empty, and Vn+1=Nr(p) for some point in P.
By (iii), Vn+1 satisfies our induction hypothesis, and the construction can proceed.
We now show how we can always construct such a neighborhood Vn+1. Let's say that Vn=Nrn(pn) for some pn∈P.
Just a quick note: it's a common point of confusion that people believe that xn must be in Vn. While x1∈V1, we cannot assume that this holds true for any other xn, and at no point does the proof assume this (or need to assume this).
Let pn+1 be some point in Vn∩P, such that (a.) pn+1=pn, (b.) pn+1=xn, and (c.) pn+1=xn+1. It follows from Lemmas 2 and 3 that such a point exists.
Lemma 2: For n>1, there exists some point q∈Vn∩P, such that q=pn, and such that d(pn,q)<d(pn,xn) and d(pn,q)<d(pn,xn+1). Suppose not. Note that for n>1, we have that pn=xn and pn=xn+1 (by our choice of pn). Therefore, d(pn,xn)>0 and d(pn,xn+1)>0. So there is some neighborhood of pn (namely, the neighborhood with radius r=d(pn,x), where x∈{xn,xn+1}) such that the only point of that neighborhood in P is the point pn, which contradicts our assumption that pn is a limit point of P.
Lemma 3: For n=1, there exists some point q∈V1∩P, such that q=p1, d(p1,q)<d(p1,x2). Suppose not. Note that p1=x1. Therefore, d(p1,x2)=d(x1,x2)>0. So there is some neighborhood of pn (namely, the neighborhood with radius r=d(p1,x2)), such that the only point of that neighborhood in P is the point p1, which contradicts our assumption that p1 is a limit point of P.
Let Vn+1=Nrn+1(pn+1) with rn+1 chosen subject to the following conditions.
(1.) rn+1≤d(pn+1,xn), and
(2.) rn+1<rn−d(pn,pn+1).
By our choice of pn+1,rn+1, and Vn+1=Nrn+1(pn+1) we have the following:
(I) Vn+1 satisfies (i):
If y∈Vn+1, then
≤d(pn,pn+1)+d(pn+1,y) [by the properties of a metric space]
<d(pn,pn+1)+rn−d(pn,pn+1) [by our choice of rn+1]
Thus, y∈Vn. Hence, Vn+1 satisfies (i).
(II) Vn+1 satisfies (ii):
If y∈Vn+1, then d(pn,y)<rn+1≤d(pn+1,xn). Thus, xn∈Vn+1. Hence, Vn+1 satisfies (ii).
(III) Vn+1 satisfies (iii):
Because pn+1 was chosen to be in P, we have that Nr(pn+1)∩P is non-empty for all neighborhoods of pn+1. Thus, Vn+1 satisfies (iii).
Let Kn=Vn∩P. Since Vn is closed and bounded in Rk, Vn is compact (by 2.41). P is closed (because P is perfect). Thus, Vn∩P is closed (by 2.24(b)). Hence Kn is compact (by 2.35, because Kn is a closed subset of a compact set).
Since xn∈Kn+1, no point of P lies in ∩1∞Kn (this is implied by the fact that P is countable, hence for every xi∈P, there is a Ki+1 that excludes xi from ∩1∞Kn). But Kn⊂P, so this implies that ∩1∞Kn is empty.
But each Kn is nonempty (by (iii), and Kn⊃Kn+1 (by (i)). But this contradicts the corollary to 2.36. The theorem follows. ■
Lemma 1: y is a limit point of V1 if and only if ∣y−x1∣=r or y∈V1. Proof Sketch: suppose ∣y−x1∣>r. Then ∣y−x1∣=r+ϵ for some ϵ>0. So Nϵ/2(y)∩V1=∅ and y is not a limit point of V1. Now suppose ∣y−x1∣=r. Then every neighborhood of y contains a point in V1, so y is a limit point of V1).